Elm Grove Evangelical Lutheran Church Foundation

Our Mission is to enhance, support and encourage the work of God's church here on earth.

The EGL Foundartion has three funds into which contributions and income are to be apportioned:

Living Endowment Fund
Capital Fund
Specified Funds

Please contact the Church office for more information about the Elm Grove Lutheran Foundation

Foundation Policy

This policy establishes operating management objectives to guide the current Board of Directors in the day to day operation of the Foundation.

1) The objective of the Elm Grove Lutheran Foundation is to provide resources to enhance, support and encourage the work of God's Church here on earth.

2) The Foundation is distinctive in that it will only support programs, purchases and training which will promote the activity of God's Church here on earth.

3) The Foundation will seek to embrace the total involvement of its members in the activities of the Foundation.

4) The Foundation will manage all funds in a manner which is consistent with the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws of the Foundation.

5) The Foundation will honor the stated desire of any donor as long as the desire is consistent with the mission and ministry of Elm Grove Lutheran Church.

6) The Foundation will support both in spirit and in expenditures the preparation and support of Professional Church Workers, i.e., pastors, teachers, DCE's, etc

elg lutheran church foundation logo