Elm Grove Evangelical Lutheran Church
Psalm 122 teaches us to say, “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!”
Welcome to Elm Grove Lutheran Church
“Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it.”
“Lord, I love the habitation of Your house and the place where Your glory dwells.”

These words are part of the liturgy in Matins. These words are the regular response the congregation sings after hearing God’s Word read. They remind us of what we learn in Revelation 7, that there is a great crowd of saints in heaven from every tribe, nation, and language gathered around the throne of God. The saints are those people just like you and me, who had the same weaknesses and frustrations in life that we do, but who also like us trusted the lavish promises God made to them in His Word. Because they had faith in Jesus, we call them saints, or holy ones. Throughout the centuries and around the world, these people heard God’s Word and held onto those promises as precious treasures, which is exactly what they are! And wherever God’s Word is proclaimed in all its truth and beauty, there the glory of the LORD dwells among us, so we can rightly say that the Church is God’s house. And the business of God’s house is to make us blessed ones!
It’s good to know that you found our page, and we look forward to meeting you in person. In the meantime, you probably want to know more about us. We are a member of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS), and as such we firmly and gladly hold to the Bible as the inerrant, infallible Word of God.
Because worship is at the center of all that we do, we are a congregation committed to gathering around God’s gifts in Word and Sacrament, making use of the historic liturgies and hymns found in Lutheran Service Book. Whether you already know what this means or you are still exploring Christianity, you are always welcome among us!
Pax Jesu,
Eric Skovgaard
Administrative Pastor
From our beginning as a Synod the LCMS has recognized the need for Christian education. As a result, our congregation has for 65 years supported the mission efforts of our Lutheran day school, which teaches God’s little lambs from Pre-K 3 through 8th Grade.